1. diaQTL::F1codes
    Genotype codes for F1 populations
  2. diaQTL::S1codes
    Genotype codes for S1 populations
  3. fitPoly::XYdat
    A data set containing SNP array data
  4. fitPoly::fitPoly_data
    Small fitPoly input datasets for testing and examples
  5. fitPoly::scores
    A data set with dosage scores generated by fitPoly
  6. mappoly::hexafake
    Simulated autohexaploid dataset.
  7. mappoly::hexafake.geno.dist
    Simulated autohexaploid dataset with genotype probabilities.
  8. mappoly::maps.hexafake
    Resulting maps from 'hexafake'
  9. mappoly::solcap.dose.map
    Resulting maps from 'tetra.solcap'
  10. mappoly::solcap.err.map
    Resulting maps from 'tetra.solcap'
  11. mappoly::solcap.mds.map
    Resulting maps from 'tetra.solcap'
  12. mappoly::solcap.prior.map
    Resulting maps from 'tetra.solcap.geno.dist'
  13. mappoly::tetra.solcap
    Autotetraploid potato dataset.
  14. mappoly::tetra.solcap.geno.dist
    Autotetraploid potato dataset with genotype probabilities.
  15. PolyHaplotyper::demo_ped
  16. PolyHaplotyper::demo_snpdos
    dosages of SNP alleles
  17. PolyHaplotyper::phFS
    members of FS families
  18. PolyHaplotyper::phblocks
    List of markers per haploblock
  19. PolyHaplotyper::phdos
    dosages of SNP alleles
    matrix|8 x 631
  20. PolyHaplotyper::phpar
    parents of FS families
  21. PolyHaplotyper::phped
  22. PolyHaplotyper::phresults
    haplotyping results
  23. polymapR::ALL_dosages
    A dosage matrix for a random pairing tetraploid with five linkage groups.
    matrix|3000 x 209
  24. polymapR::LGHomDf_P1_1
    A 'data.frame' specifying the assigned homologue and linkage group number per SxN marker
  25. polymapR::LGHomDf_P2_1
    A 'data.frame' specifying the assigned homologue and linkage group number per SxN marker
  26. polymapR::LGHomDf_P2_2
    A 'data.frame' specifying the assigned homologue and linkage group number per SxN marker
  27. polymapR::P1_DxN_Assigned
    A 'data.frame' with marker assignments
    matrix|111 x 14
  28. polymapR::P1_SxS_Assigned
    A 'data.frame' with marker assignments
    matrix|297 x 14
  29. polymapR::P1_homologues
    A list of cluster stacks at different LOD scores
  30. polymapR::P2_DxN_Assigned
    A 'data.frame' with marker assignments
    matrix|101 x 14
  31. polymapR::P2_SxS_Assigned
    A 'data.frame' with marker assignments
    matrix|301 x 14
  32. polymapR::P2_SxS_Assigned_2
    A 'data.frame' with marker assignments
    matrix|301 x 14
  33. polymapR::P2_homologues
    A list of cluster stacks at different LOD scores
  34. polymapR::P2_homologues_triploid
    A list of cluster stacks at different LOD scores
  35. polymapR::SN_DN_P1
    A linkage 'data.frame'.
  36. polymapR::SN_DN_P2
    A linkage 'data.frame'.
  37. polymapR::SN_SN_P1
    A linkage 'data.frame'.
  38. polymapR::SN_SN_P2
    A linkage 'data.frame'.
  39. polymapR::SN_SN_P2_triploid
    A linkage 'data.frame'.
  40. polymapR::SN_SS_P1
    A linkage 'data.frame'.
  41. polymapR::SN_SS_P2
    A linkage 'data.frame'.
  42. polymapR::TRI_dosages
    A dosage matrix for a random pairing tetraploid with five linkage groups.
    matrix|250 x 202
  43. polymapR::all_linkages_list_P1
    A (nested) list of linkage data frames classified per linkage group and homologue
  44. polymapR::all_linkages_list_P1_split
    A (nested) list of linkage data frames classified per linkage group and homologue
  45. polymapR::all_linkages_list_P1_subset
    A (nested) list of linkage data frames classified per linkage group and homologue
  46. polymapR::chk1
    Example output of the checkF1 function
  47. polymapR::exampleRAD_mapping
    Example output dataset of polyRAD::PipelineMapping2Parents function
  48. polymapR::gp_df
    An example of a genotype probability data frame
  49. polymapR::gp_vignette_data
    A list of objects needed to build the probabilistic genotype vignette
  50. polymapR::integrated.maplist
    A nested list with integrated maps
  51. polymapR::map1
    A sample map
  52. polymapR::map2
    A sample map
  53. polymapR::map3
    A sample map
  54. polymapR::maplist_P1
    A list of maps of one parent
  55. polymapR::maplist_P1_subset
    A list of maps of one parent
  56. polymapR::maplist_P2_subset
    A list of maps of one parent
  57. polymapR::marker_assignments_P1
    A 'data.frame' with marker assignments
    matrix|1094 x 16
  58. polymapR::marker_assignments_P2
    A 'data.frame' with marker assignments
    matrix|1127 x 16
  59. polymapR::mout
    Example output dataset of updog::multidog function
  60. polymapR::phased.maplist
    A list of phased maps
  61. polymapR::screened_data
    A dosage matrix for a random pairing tetraploid with five linkage groups.
    matrix|1417 x 209
  62. polymapR::screened_data2
    A dosage matrix for a random pairing tetraploid with five linkage groups.
    matrix|1417 x 207
  63. polymapR::screened_data3
    A dosage matrix for a random pairing tetraploid with five linkage groups.
    matrix|1417 x 200
  64. polymapR::segregating_data
    A dosage matrix for a random pairing tetraploid with five linkage groups.
    matrix|2873 x 209
  65. polyqtlR::BLUEs.pheno
    Best Linear Unbiased Estimates of phenotype
  66. polyqtlR::GIC_4x
    Genotypic Information Coefficient for example tetraploid
  67. polyqtlR::IBD_4x
    Identical by descent probabilities for example tetraploid
  68. polyqtlR::Phenotypes_4x
    Phenotypes for example tetraploid
  69. polyqtlR::Rec_Data_4x
    Recombination data for example tetraploid
  70. polyqtlR::SNP_dosages.4x
    SNP marker dosage data for example tetraploid
    matrix|186 x 52
  71. polyqtlR::mr.ls
    Example output of meiosis report function
  72. polyqtlR::phased_maplist.4x
    Phased maplist for example tetraploid
  73. polyqtlR::qtl_LODs.4x
    QTL output for example tetraploid
  74. polyqtlR::segList_2x
    Expected segregation for all markers types of a diploid cross
  75. polyqtlR::segList_3x
    Expected segregation for all markers types of a triploid cross (4 x 2)
  76. polyqtlR::segList_3x_24
    Expected segregation for all markers types of a triploid cross (2 x 4)
  77. polyqtlR::segList_4x
    Expected segregation for all markers types of a tetraploid cross
  78. polyqtlR::segList_6x
    Expected segregation for all markers types of a hexaploid cross
  79. polyRAD::Msi01genes
    Miniature Datasets for Testing polyRAD Functions
  80. polyRAD::exampleRAD
    Miniature Datasets for Testing polyRAD Functions
  81. polyRAD::exampleRAD_mapping
    Miniature Datasets for Testing polyRAD Functions
  82. qtlpoly::B2721
    Autotetraploid potato dataset
  83. qtlpoly::hexafake
    Simulated autohexaploid dataset.
  84. qtlpoly::maps4x
    Autotetraploid potato map
  85. qtlpoly::maps6x
    Simulated autohexaploid map
  86. qtlpoly::pheno4x
    Autotetraploid potato phenotypes
  87. qtlpoly::pheno6x
    Simulated phenotypes
  88. updog::snpdat
    GBS data from Shirasawa et al (2017)
  89. updog::uitdewilligen
    Subset of individuals and SNPs from Uitdewilligen et al (2013).