polymapR: linkage mapping in outcrossing polyploidsUpdated 3 months ago

Peter M. Bourke, Geert van Geest

Rendered from Vignette_polymapR.Rmd in polymapR 1.1.6.
Performing polyploid QTL analysis using polyqtlRUpdated 8 months ago

Peter M. Bourke

Rendered from polyqtlR_vignette.rmd in polyqtlR 0.1.1.
Using genotype probabilities in polymapRUpdated 8 months ago

Peter M. Bourke, Yanlin Liao

Rendered from Vignette_genotype_probabilities.Rmd in polymapR 1.1.6.
Genotyping Many SNPs with multidog()Updated 10 months ago

David Gerard

Rendered from multidog.Rmd in updog 2.1.5.
Introduction to MAPpolyUpdated 2 years ago

Marcelo Mollinari

Rendered from mappoly_startguide.Rmd in mappoly 0.4.1.
Variant and Genotype Calling in Highly Duplicated GenomesUpdated 2 years ago

Lindsay V. Clark, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Rendered from isolocus_sorting.Rmd in polyRAD
polyRAD TutorialUpdated 2 years ago

Lindsay V. Clark, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Rendered from polyRADtutorial.Rmd in polyRAD
diaQTL VignetteUpdated 3 years ago

Jeffrey Endelman

Rendered from diaQTL_vignette.Rmd in diaQTL 1.10.
PolyHaplotyper vignetteUpdated 4 years ago

Roeland E. Voorrips

Rendered from PolyHaplotyper.Rmd in PolyHaplotyper 1.0.1.
Example Use of UpdogUpdated 5 years ago

David Gerard

Rendered from smells_like_updog.Rmd in updog 2.1.5.
Oracle CalculationsUpdated 5 years ago

David Gerard

Rendered from oracle_calculations.Rmd in updog 2.1.5.
Simulate Next-Generation Sequencing DataUpdated 5 years ago

David Gerard

Rendered from simulate_ngs.Rmd in updog 2.1.5.